Inteligentní vysílač tlaku Multivariable
The Foxboro IMV31 Density Compensated Level Transmitter is an intelligent two-wire transmitter. It provides precise and reliable measurement of absolute and differential pressure, sensor and electronics temperature, and process or wet leg temperature. It transmits a 4 to 20 mA or digital output signal using HART Communication Protocol for remote configuration, calibration, and monitoring. When used for tank level measurement, it calculates level compensated for liquid density changes.
Even when fluid density varies, the IMV31 provides accurate tank
level measurement. It delivers that accuracy in both open
(vented) or closed (pressurized) vessels. Used with fluids of
known composition, it compensates for density changes in the liquid, the vapor above the liquid, and in the vapor or liquid in any
external legs. The result is precise, density-compensated liquid
level measurement. The IMV31 is ideal for applications such as
boiler drum level where accurate, density-compensated measurement is critical.
Key Benefits
- Simple, elegant sensor packaging uses very few parts to achieve exceptionally high reliability
- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) digital indicator with on-board pushbutton configuration and calibration.
- Rugged & Dependable: Field-proven silicon strain gauge technology and corrosion-resistant epoxy finish
- Level accuracy to + 0.30% of maximum level
- Tank pressure and DP accuracy to + 0.05% of Span
- Long-term stability with drift less than + 0.05% URL per year over a 5-year period
- compensates for liquid density variations caused by both pressure and temperature changes.
- Provides cost-effective density-compensated level measurement for numerous process fluids.
- Ideal for applications for boiler drum level where accurate, density-compensated measurement is critical.